Was Julio Urias eligible for a pay increase with the Dodgers?

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Activity in Major League Baseball does not end with the conclusion of the World Series, as teams do not stop working and enter an off-season in which they begin the period of trades, free agency and definition of some players' salaries, among other activities to finalize rosters ahead of the start of the next campaign.

The situation of Mexican pitcher Julio Urias remains unclear because of the domestic violence investigation that caused the MLB to place him on administrative leave, while his legal situation is resolved and they take action to determine his sanction.

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It could be a massive suspension, which could end his career in baseball in the United States, and the pitcher would have to turn to Japan or to one of the two leagues in Mexico.

Julio Urias is on the list of free agent pitchers

For now, while his situation is being defined, Julio Urias' name has appeared on the list of 47 Major League Baseball free agent pitchers for 2024, which also includes teammate Clayton Kershaw and other highly-rated stars such as Luis Severino, Blake Snell and Japan's Yoshinobu Yamamoto, the dream target of most teams.

In addition, Julio Urias is also on the list of 13 Los Angeles Dodgers players who are eligible to receive a raise in the salary arbitration process, however, according to MLB Trade Rumors, only 11 of them will see a raise and the Mexican pitcher is not included.

Salary arbitration is used in the Major Leagues for players and teams to leave in the hands of a judicial arbitrator the ruling on the salary for the next season, although in the case of Julio Urias, it is likely to be a case similar to that of Trevor Bauer, who had to go to play in the Japanese league to have a place in the MLB.
