Inside former Colts punter $1.6M, five-bedroom Indianapolis abode

May 2024 · 5 minute read

Pat McAfee has done well both on and off the football field. So, it is not a surprise that he should live in a house befitting his status.

He played his entire career from 2009 to 2016 with the Indianapolis Colts. After retirement, he made the city of Indianapolis his home and bought a $1.6 million house there.

The house is 10,655 square feet in area with five bedrooms and three bathrooms. Reflecting McAfee's interests, it has a horse barn, a pasture, a creek, a basketball court, and a pool. There is also a four-car garage, a home theatre, a billiards room, and an exercise room. Check out the pictures of his house below.

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House Pics, Source Tweet Embedded Below
House Pics, Source Tweet Embedded Below
House Pics, Source Tweet Embedded Below
House Pics, Source Tweet Embedded Below

Does Pat McAfee still record his show

in Indianapolis?

Pat McAfee has made Indianapolis both his workplace and residence. He has been living in the city since the time he was a punter for the Colts.

He retired early in his career, citing injuries and a breakdown in relationship with the Colts' general manager Ryan Grigson. Despite such misadventures, it seems that his love for the city continued as even after leaving the NFL, he stayed back.

He also continued to film the Pat McAfee show from Indianapolis. The 36-year-old has lived in different locations in the city, and several addresses can be found on the internet. At one time, they were in the vicinity of 900 N. Meridien Street when a fire broke out there.

"There is a Massive fire in the apartment complex next to us," he tweeted.

Even when he got the FanDuel contract, which needed the show to move to a custom-built studio, he built it in Indianapolis. Called the Thunder Dome, McAfee described the place as "glorious" when he moved there.

The 'FanDuel Igloo' contained a basketball court and a golf simulator. The studio was paid for by the $120 million deal that he signed with FanDuel.

How does Pat McAfee's contract with ESPN affect his location?

McAfee's new contract with ESPN will necessitate a move from the 'FanDuel Igloo.' However, there is no indication that he and his team will have to leave the city. The major reason for him to agree to a 5-year, $85 million deal - which is less than what he had with FanDuel - was because he reportedly wanted more freedom when it came to decision-making on his show.

Where he slots in at ESPN will also be interesting to watch. There are reports that Max Kellerman will be cut from the 2-3 PM slot, and McAfee is expected to fill in for him. He is expected to bring higher ratings, despite not being a direct employee with ESPN.

With reports that Shannon Sharpe is stepping away from 'Undsiputed' and Max Kellerman may join Skip Bayless, it might be that McAfee was at the root of the dominoes tumbling at the broadcast network.

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