How Mark Wahlberg Reacted When Asked if He Couldve Been Eminem: Are You Crazy?

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Mark Wahlberg experienced some success as the rapper Marky Mark before transitioning to acting full time. But some wondered if Wahlberg would’ve become like rapper Eminem if he remained a music artist.

Mark Wahlberg would’ve gone in a different direction than Eminem if he kept rapping

Wahlberg was becoming a popular act when he and his brother formed the hip group Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch. Their 1991 debut record, Music for the People, was a hit, although their sophomore effort You Gotta Believe didn’t enjoy the same success. Eventually, the group disbanded, but Wahlberg continued his rap career for quite some time before devoting all of his attention to acting.

By the time he retired from music, Eminem was making his debut. And as Wahlberg rose up the ranks in Hollywood, the 8 Mile star was quickly becoming one of hip hop’s top artists. In a resurfaced interview with IGN, Wahlberg was asked if he thought he could’ve been Eminem if he didn’t end up retiring.

“Could I have been Eminem? I certainly hope not. I like Eminem, I think Eminem’s really talented, but I’m trying to go a completely different route,” Wahlberg said.

He shared he and Eminem had two completely different personal experiences and upbringings. Wahlberg also felt he was perhaps trying to send more positive vibes than the music artist was at the time.

“I love my mother, man. Are you crazy? No, I can’t be a bad influence on anybody. But, I think there’s a lot more to what he does than that. There’s certainly a shock value that’s kind of gotten him to a certain place, but the guy’s got a lot of talent. It’s just, you know, I came from the real thing and I was trying desperately to get away from that,” he said.

Mark Wahlberg felt his hip hop career would’ve been much more successful if he was allowed to do what he wanted

Wahlberg felt studio interference played a part in pushing him out of the film industry. It seemed the label behind Wahlberg wanted the actor to be more pop than he wanted to be.

“They wanted me to be a little more commercial, take my pants off more. Do a duet with a girl singer. They didn’t want me to do what I wanted to do, and to be who I am. So, I just got a little frustrated by that,” he said.

Wahlberg, however, wanted to do different types of records without changing his image. The Departed star tried to work with the studio, but eventually he’d had enough.

“I think I could have been a lot more successful, had I been allowed to do what I wanted to do. I think the record company had one specific idea, and they wanted to go for that,” he said. “I had just gotten out of jail and I wanted to make a record. I saw my brother making millions of dollars and I’m still struggling, so I kind of compromised a little bit. But, when they continued to push me further in the opposite direction, that’s when I decided not to make another record and to wait out my contract.”

Mark Wahlberg shared he didn’t listen to rap music that much anymore because it makes him want to turn violent

Wahlberg once revealed that he was beginning to distance himself from rap music as a whole. He still listened to certain artists, but back then he quipped that most rap music gave him violent urges he could do without.

“I try not to listen to rap anymore cause as soon as I do, I’m ready to bust some heads. I’ll put on some angry Tupac record on my way to church,” he once told Black Film.

The actor shared what he did listen to in his spare time as he’d gotten older.

“In my next film, my character listens to that Tibetan music. I’m working with David Russel and we start filming in June. I also listen to reggae and Oasis, and some Coldplay. I still have Nas and Jay Z. Very rarely do I turn that on,” he said.
