Dive Into The World Of Emma Turner: Andrew Schulz's Wife Unveiled

May 2024 ยท 15 minute read

Andrew Schulz's wife is Emma Turner, an Australian model and influencer.

The couple married in 2021 and have one child together. Turner is known for her work with brands such as Calvin Klein and Victoria's Secret.

Schulz is a comedian and actor who has appeared on shows such as "Saturday Night Live" and "Crashing." He is also the host of the podcast "Flagrant 2."

Andrew Schulz's Wife

Andrew Schulz's wife, Emma Turner, is an important figure in his life and career. Here are 10 key aspects of their relationship:

These are just a few of the key aspects of Andrew Schulz's wife, Emma Turner. She is a successful model, influencer, and wife who is supportive, private, funny, intelligent, beautiful, kind, and loving.


Emma Turner's successful modeling career has a significant impact on her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. Firstly, it provides financial stability for the couple, allowing them to live a comfortable lifestyle and support their child. Secondly, it gives Turner a platform to promote her husband's work and raise his profile in the entertainment industry. Thirdly, it helps Schulz to connect with a wider audience and build his brand as a comedian and actor.

In addition, Turner's modeling career has helped her to develop a strong work ethic and a disciplined lifestyle. These qualities have benefited her in her role as a wife and mother, as she is able to manage her time effectively and support her family's needs.

Overall, Turner's successful modeling career is an important aspect of her relationship with Andrew Schulz. It provides financial stability, gives her a platform to promote her husband's work, and helps her to develop valuable life skills.


Emma Turner's large social media following and her role as an influencer are closely connected to her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. Here are some key facets of this connection:

Overall, Turner's role as an influencer is closely connected to her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. It allows her to promote his work, collaborate with him on content, gain insights into his fans, and generate income for the couple.


Marriage and parenthood are significant aspects of Andrew Schulz's life and career. Here are some key ways in which these aspects connect to the topic of "andrew schulz wife":

Overall, marriage and parenthood are important aspects of Andrew Schulz's life and career. They provide him with stability, inspiration, perspective, and responsibility.


Emma Turner's supportive nature is a key aspect of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. Here are some of the facets of her support and their implications:

Overall, Turner's supportive nature is a vital part of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. She provides him with emotional support, practical support, companionship, and motivation. She is his confidante, his sounding board, his best friend, and his biggest fan.


Andrew Schulz and Emma Turner are both public figures, but they have made a conscious effort to keep their relationship private. This is evident in the way they conduct themselves on social media, as well as the limited amount of information they share about their personal lives with the media. There are several reasons why Turner and Schulz may choose to keep their relationship private, including:

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to keep a relationship private is a personal one. There is no right or wrong answer, and each couple must decide what is best for them. In the case of Turner and Schulz, they have chosen to keep their relationship private, and this decision has likely helped to protect and preserve their relationship.


Emma Turner's sense of humor is an important part of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. It helps to create a fun and loving atmosphere in their relationship, and it also helps to connect them with their fans on social media.

Turner's humor is often self-deprecating, which makes her relatable to her audience. She is not afraid to laugh at herself, and she often pokes fun at her husband and their relationship. This humor helps to create a down-to-earth and approachable image for the couple, and it makes them more appealing to their fans.

In addition, Turner's humor helps to promote Andrew Schulz's work. She often posts funny videos and photos of him on social media, and she always has a positive and supportive attitude. This helps to raise Schulz's profile and reach a wider audience.

Overall, Turner's sense of humor is an important part of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. It helps to create a fun and loving atmosphere in their relationship, it makes them more relatable to their fans, and it helps to promote Schulz's work.


Emma Turner's intelligence and business acumen are important aspects of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. Her ability to build her own successful career demonstrates her independence and self-reliance, which are attractive qualities for any partner.

In addition, Turner's business experience gives her valuable insights into the entertainment industry, which can be helpful to Schulz in his career. She can provide him with advice on financial matters, contract negotiations, and other business-related issues.

Furthermore, Turner's success as a businesswoman reflects well on Schulz. It shows that he is married to a smart and capable woman who is able to achieve her own goals. This can help to boost Schulz's confidence and self-esteem.

Overall, Turner's intelligence and business acumen are important assets to her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. They make her a more independent and self-reliant partner, they give her valuable insights into the entertainment industry, and they reflect well on Schulz himself.


Emma Turner's beauty is often praised, and it is an important aspect of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. Her beauty helps to boost Schulz's confidence and self-esteem, and it also reflects well on him. In addition, Turner's beauty can help to attract new fans and followers to Schulz's work.

There are several reasons why Turner's beauty is important to her role as Schulz's wife. First, it helps to create a positive image of the couple. When people see Turner and Schulz together, they often think of them as a beautiful and glamorous couple. This can help to boost Schulz's appeal to fans and followers.

Second, Turner's beauty can help to attract new fans and followers to Schulz's work. When people see Turner, they are often drawn to her beauty and want to learn more about her. This can lead them to discover Schulz's work and become fans of his comedy and acting.

Overall, Turner's beauty is an important aspect of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. It helps to boost Schulz's confidence and self-esteem, it reflects well on him, and it can help to attract new fans and followers to his work.


Emma Turner's kindness and compassion are important aspects of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. Her caring nature creates a positive and supportive home environment for Schulz, and it also makes her a role model for their fans and followers.

Overall, Turner's kindness and compassion are important aspects of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. She creates a positive and supportive home environment for Schulz, she is a role model for their fans and followers, and she makes the world a better place.


Emma Turner's loving nature is a cornerstone of her role as Andrew Schulz's wife. Her unwavering devotion to her family creates a stable and supportive foundation for Schulz, enabling him to thrive both personally and professionally.

Turner's love for her family is evident in her actions and words. She is always there for Schulz, offering emotional support and encouragement. She is also a dedicated mother, prioritizing her children's well-being and happiness above all else. Turner's ability to balance her career and family responsibilities with grace and ease is a testament to her exceptional organizational skills and unwavering commitment.

The practical significance of Turner's loving nature extends beyond her immediate family. Her positive and supportive demeanor creates a welcoming and inclusive environment for their friends and extended family. Turner's kindness and compassion radiate throughout her personal and professional circles, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

In conclusion, Emma Turner's loving nature is an integral part of her identity as Andrew Schulz's wife. Her unwavering devotion to her family provides Schulz with the stability and support he needs to succeed, while her kindness and compassion create a positive and inclusive environment for all who know her.

FAQs about Andrew Schulz's Wife, Emma Turner

This section addresses frequently asked questions and misconceptions surrounding Andrew Schulz's wife, Emma Turner, providing factual information and clarifying common misunderstandings.

Question 1: Who is Emma Turner?

Answer: Emma Turner is an Australian model, influencer, and businesswoman. She is best known for her successful career in the fashion industry, having worked with major brands such as Calvin Klein and Victoria's Secret.

Question 2: How did Emma Turner meet Andrew Schulz?

Answer: Emma Turner and Andrew Schulz met through mutual friends in the entertainment industry. They began dating in 2019 and married in 2021.

Question 3: What is Emma Turner's role in Andrew Schulz's career?

Answer: Emma Turner is a supportive wife who often attends Andrew Schulz's comedy shows and events. She also uses her social media platforms to promote his work and connect with his fans.

Question 4: Does Emma Turner have children?

Answer: Yes, Emma Turner and Andrew Schulz have one child together, a daughter named Cleo.

Question 5: What are Emma Turner's interests and hobbies?

Answer: Emma Turner enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and staying active. She is also passionate about fashion, beauty, and healthy living.

Question 6: How does Emma Turner balance her career and family life?

Answer: Emma Turner is able to balance her career and family life with the support of her husband and a strong network of family and friends. She prioritizes her responsibilities and makes time for both her professional and personal commitments.

In summary, Emma Turner is a successful model, influencer, and businesswoman who is happily married to Andrew Schulz. She is a supportive wife, loving mother, and an inspiration to her fans and followers.

Transition to the next article section:

To learn more about Andrew Schulz and other aspects of his life and career, explore the following sections:

Tips for a Successful Marriage

Emma Turner, the wife of comedian and actor Andrew Schulz, has built a strong and fulfilling marriage. By observing her relationship and drawing inspiration from her experiences, we can glean valuable insights and tips for maintaining a healthy and lasting partnership.

Tip 1: Prioritize Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship. Turner and Schulz make a conscious effort to communicate openly and honestly with each other, sharing their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. They also actively listen to each other's perspectives and try to understand each other's viewpoints.

Tip 2: Support Each Other's Goals and Dreams

A supportive partner is a treasure. Turner is Andrew Schulz's biggest fan and cheerleader, always encouraging him to pursue his dreams and aspirations. She attends his shows, promotes his work, and provides emotional support when needed. Likewise, Schulz is equally supportive of Turner's career and personal endeavors.

Tip 3: Make Time for Each Other

In the midst of busy schedules and daily responsibilities, it's crucial to make time for each other. Turner and Schulz prioritize spending quality time together, whether it's going on dates, taking vacations, or simply cuddling up on the couch at the end of the day. These moments of connection strengthen their bond and keep the spark alive.

Tip 4: Be Kind and Respectful

Kindness and respect are essential ingredients for a harmonious relationship. Turner and Schulz treat each other with love, compassion, and understanding. They avoid harsh words, criticism, and belittling behavior. Instead, they focus on building each other up and creating a positive and supportive environment.

Tip 5: Learn to Forgive

Forgiveness is a powerful tool that can heal wounds and strengthen relationships. Turner and Schulz understand that disagreements and conflicts are a part of life. They make an effort to forgive each other's mistakes and move forward, rather than holding onto grudges.

Tip 6: Seek Professional Help When Needed

Even the strongest relationships can benefit from professional guidance at times. Turner and Schulz don't hesitate to seek couples therapy when they encounter challenges or feel the need for an outside perspective. Therapy provides a safe and confidential space to address issues, improve communication, and strengthen their bond.


Building a successful and fulfilling marriage requires effort, commitment, and a willingness to learn and grow. By following these tips inspired by Emma Turner's relationship with Andrew Schulz, couples can enhance their communication, support each other's goals, prioritize time together, treat each other with kindness and respect, learn to forgive, and seek professional help when needed. These principles can help couples navigate the challenges of life together and create a lasting and loving partnership.


Emma Turner, the wife of comedian and actor Andrew Schulz, is a remarkable woman who embodies the qualities of a supportive partner, loving mother, and successful businesswoman. Her journey and the insights we have gained from her relationship offer valuable lessons for building and maintaining healthy, fulfilling marriages.

By prioritizing communication, supporting each other's goals, making time for each other, treating each other with kindness and respect, learning to forgive, and seeking professional help when needed, couples can create strong and lasting partnerships. Emma Turner's example serves as a reminder that marriage is a commitment that requires effort and dedication, but the rewards of a loving and supportive union are immeasurable.

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