Clues We Have About DeuxMoi's Real Identity

May 2024 · 2 minute read

As it turns out, DeuxMoi's account started as a fashion and lifestyle blog. "I took this account. It was an account that was a defunct account that started in 2013 as sort of like a fashion lifestyle blog account," the mystery woman revealed during an interview on "The Drew Barrymore Show" about how the famous brand got its start. According to DeuxMoi, at the time, the account only had "about 35,000 followers" — small potatoes compared to its current 1.9 million followers. And while she doesn't outright say that it was her Instagram account to begin with, it's hard to imagine that she could take a so-called "defunct account" and suddenly make it her own. That said, it's probably safe to deduce that she dabbled in the fashion industry herself before becoming the internet's very own "Gossip Girl."

But that's not all. Freelance journalist and editor Brian Feldman penned an exposé titled "DeuxMoi's Digital Trail" in 2022, in which he alleged that the account was first founded by two women: fashion entrepreneur Meggie Kempner and model Melissa Lovallo. It should be noted, however, that DeuxMoi outright denied the claim. "The names that have come up are not associated with the account at this time," she told Vanity Fair

Still, just because we might not know who DeuxMoi is, doesn't mean we don't know where she rests her head at night... 
