Times NFL Fans Went Way Too Far

May 2024 · 2 minute read

If there's anybody who is universally liked, it's got to be Santa Claus. Who doesn't like the guy who delivers free presents? Turns out, fans of the Philadelphia Eagles, circa December 1968. According to The Daily Pennsylvanian, the Eagles were finishing a dismal season, bringing a 2-11 record into their matchup against the Minnesota Vikings in a snow-covered Franklin Field. The game's scheduled annual halftime Christmas pageant was in jeopardy, as the guy who usually played Santa couldn't make it through the snow. Eagles entertainment director Bill Mullen found a last-minute substitute in the stands, 20-year-old Frank Olivo.

Philadelphia news anchor John Pierron was at the game, where he recalled a pervasive vibe of crankiness owing to the weather and the Eagles' lousy season. "The anger in the stands was palpable," he told Comcast SportsNet. When the Eagles took a 7-0 lead, fans started booing the home team — they wanted them to tank the season to secure the #1 pick in the upcoming draft, which they could use to get college star O.J. Simpson.

When halftime began, Olivo came out onto the field to the tune of "Here Comes Santa Claus." They didn't give him a warm welcome, as requested by the P.A. announcer. "People started throwing snowballs," recalled Olivo's cousin, Richard Monastra. "Then comes beer cans, then bottles. People were throwing their hoagie sandwiches at him." By his count, per ESPN, Olivo was pelted with more than 100 snowballs.
