Disturbing Details From OJ Simpson's Hypothetical Confession

May 2024 · 2 minute read

At the very beginning of this portion of the interview, and at random times throughout, O.J. Simpson is very delicate with his phrasing — but at many points, and some of the most critical ones, his phrasing slips into a straight first-person account. In the first of these instances, he simply replies, "I don't recall" when asked by Judith Regan if the back gate was broken or unlocked, allowing him to gain entry — but as his account progresses, it becomes harder and harder for any reasonable viewer to believe that Simpson is describing something that didn't actually happen.

For example, he said that Ron Goldman told him that he was simply there to return some glasses. Regan asked if he believed this. "I don't know if I believed it or didn't believe it, it was pretty much immaterial," he responded. When describing how Brown came out and told him to leave, he says that he "didn't like" her demeanor and became more combative. Then, as the confrontation escalated, he said, "I remember I grabbed the knife, I do remember that portion, taking the knife from Charlie." Regan directs him to a passage in his book wherein he says he removed one of his gloves before taking the knife from Charlie; Simpson replied, "I have no conscious memory of doing that, but obviously I must have, because they found the glove there." Finally, at the conclusion of his story comes the most chilling portion of the entire interview. With what appeared to be utmost sincerity, he looked into Regan's eyes and said of the murders' aftermath, "It was horrible. It was absolutely horrible."
