Why is my PS4 randomly beeping 3 times?

May 2024 · 3 minute read

There are several possible reasons why your PS4 may be randomly beeping 3 times. It could be related to the eject button, power and HDMI connections, external devices, controller, software update, disc cleanliness, or even the sensor’s sensitivity. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and fix the issue:

1. Reopen PS4

One possible solution is to reopen your PS4. This may help resolve any issues with the console that could be causing it to beep.

2. Check Power and HDMI Connections

Make sure that the power and HDMI connections between your PS4 and other devices are secure. Loose connections can sometimes cause beeping issues.

3. Disconnect External Devices

If you have any external devices connected to your PS4, disconnect them and see if the beeping issue persists. Sometimes, incompatible or faulty external devices can cause problems.

4. Check the Controller

Ensure that your controller is functioning properly. A malfunctioning controller can sometimes trigger unwanted beeping. Try using a different controller or connecting your controller to another PS4 to see if the issue persists.

5. Check for Software Update

Make sure that your PS4 is running the latest software update. Outdated software can sometimes cause unexpected beeping or other issues. Check for any available updates and install them if necessary.

6. Clean the Disc

If you are experiencing the beeping issue when trying to eject a disc, try cleaning the disc and the disc drive. Dust or dirt on the disc or in the drive can cause problems with the eject function.

7. Adjust the Sensor’s Sensitivity

If the beeping is caused by a sensitive eject button sensor, you can try adjusting its sensitivity. Some users have reported success by loosening a screw under the console’s faceplate or placing objects under the console to elevate it from the ground.

8. Disable PS4 Startup Beep

If the beeping occurs during startup, you can try disabling the PS4 startup beep. This can be done by removing the cover screw in the back, removing the HDD cover and HDD, removing the bottom cover, and unsoldering the buzzer.

9. Check for Disc Stuck Inside

If none of the above solutions work, it’s possible that there is a disc stuck inside your PS4. Use the manual eject screw to try and remove the disc. Instructions for finding and using the manual eject screw can be found in the PS4 user manual.

10. Contact Sony Support

If you have tried all the above steps and the problem persists, it is recommended to contact Sony Support for further assistance. They may be able to provide additional troubleshooting steps or recommend sending your PS4 for repair.

It is important to note that these troubleshooting steps may not work for everyone, and it is always a good idea to consult the official Sony support documentation or reach out to their customer support for specific guidance regarding your PS4 model and situation.
