Mike Knox Revealed as Aces & Eights Member

May 2024 · 2 minute read
Of course there are going to be hints at nWo/WCW's story lines — it's the same guys running this angle in TNA who ran the nWo/WCW story line in WCW then. My point is that they are not the same angle at all, despite what small similarities you can bring up like these, because the FUNDAMENTAL difference between the two groups is that the nWo had a CLEAR direction the moment Hogan was revealed as the third man. We have absolutely no idea what the purpose of Aces and Eights is yet, aside from the fact that they are now directly feuding with Sting (yes, I'm aware, another pseudo-comparison to nWo). Perhaps once that leader is revealed we'll be able to conclusively state that they are for sure an nWo rehash, but at the moment the only thing the two groups truly share is being a heel faction.

Then again, even if you can chalk this up to being a rehash, I don't see what the problem with it is so long as it's not a literal carbon copy. Pro-wrestling in general is a collective rehash of something done before it, so if it's utter originality you're looking for, you're in the wrong market, because you're never gonna get it. There's a reason every new star gets compared to a star prior to him and called the next X, same as there's a reason we still have heels and faces, factions and tag teams, swerves and dusty finishes, etc. They're all rehashes of something that occurred before them, but so long as the timing is right and there's a market for it, they'll sell. That's all that matters.

Aces and Eights' issue isn't that similarities between them and the nWo can be made. Their issue is that unlike the nWo, they don't win a fuckin' thing, which makes their entire existence pointless, because unlike the nWo, and even the APA, they come off as weak. It's not even the men beneath the masks that matter here — it's how they're perceived on screen. Until they start doing more damage in the ring, they'll never be what they should, and the more they continue to lose week-after-week, the more and more there credibility goes out the window.
